Seize the Day! Overcoming Procrastination about Protecting your Legacy
How to overcome the impulse to put off important decision, like protecting your legacy.
Here we are after a hopefully restful break over Christmas, approaching the New Year with renewed vigour and probably quite long to-do list. Some of the items on your to-do list may be things you've been putting off, due to that old enemy, procrastination.
Procrastination is probably the stubbornest block to protecting your legacy. We all understand the importance of taking the right steps to protect our own and our family’s future, but somehow this task can keep getting pushed down the to-do list, as more immediate tasks get in the way.
As the New Year gets under way, here are some thoughts about why we procrastinate and some ways overcoming this problem, particularly when it comes to protecting your legacy.
Are you procrastinating?
Here are some indicators that you may be procrastinating about putting your affairs in order:
- Are you giving priority to issues that are more “urgent” but may be less “important”?
- Has putting your affairs in order been on your to-do list for a long time even though you know it’s important?
- Are you waiting for the “right mood” or the “right time” to get started?
What could be more important that securing your own and your family’s future? But there’s plenty of time to get round to it – after all, you’re immortal and immune to ageing or disability, right…..?
Meanwhile there are those emails to respond to, that filing that needs doing, and this week’s omnibus of The Archers isn’t going to listen to itself ….
Ask yourself why you are procrastinating about protecting your legacy.
Fundamentally, you’re procrastinating because you’re a human being – but there are specific triggers or blocks that cause us to procrastinate, and it helps to work out what’s blocking you.
- Is it because this task feels unpleasant? There’s no denying that there are unpleasant aspects to planning your future. Thinking about what the consequences might be if something happened to you is hardly fun. And what about the cost?
- Is it because you don’t feel organised? If you don’t feel like you are organised, it can be easy to put off important issues like putting your affairs in order. Organised people tend not to procrastinate because they have they have their to-do lists sorted in order of importance, and plan when they are going to accomplish each item.
- Does this feel like an overwhelming issue to tackle? You might doubt that you have the personal strengths to deal with putting your affairs in order, and instead seek comfort in tackling easier issues you know for sure you can handle.
- Do your decision-making skills need a boost? If you just can’t decide what to do for the best, you are likely to put it off in case you do the wrong thing.
How to overcome your blocks to protecting your legacy:
Get in touch with your motivation.
What is important to you?
- Making sure your other half is secure?
- Protecting and providing for your children? Retaining control of your finances?
- Making sure your wishes as to your lifestyle and health are respected?
- Safeguarding your business?
- Safeguarding your home?
Think about the unpleasant consequences of not protecting your legacy. Might you pay more inheritance tax than you need to? Are your assets at risk of being swallowed up in care costs in later life? Would your children lose out if you remarried in later life? Could your child’s inheritance be swallowed up by divorce or debt? Could your business survive if you weren’t there to take care of it?
If you’re putting it off because it feels unpleasant, it’s all about perception:
You’re probably underestimating the unpleasantness of the task. This is where sympathetic support from a supportive professional is so helpful. Smart estate planning begins with a conversation. What may seem like the prospect of a challenging exploration of death and disability becomes a positive and productive conversation about the possible, your future, what’s important to you, and how you can take control of your destiny.
Sometimes the “unpleasant” aspect can be financial, due to a fear of the cost of taking the action. This is so often overestimated. Certainly, to do proper justice to your family and your assets will involve making a financial investment. But the typical outlay is around a half of a percent of net worth.
If you’re putting it off because you feel disorganised, It’s all about priorities and planning.
Make a list of all the important things you want to accomplish, and sort them in order of importance rather than urgency - see how near top the top of the list you find protecting your legacy and future-proofing your family.
Plan to take the first step – that might be making a phonecall or sending an email to a professional who can help you.
If it feels overwhelming, it’s all about getting support.
Enlist the help of a professional you trust and feel comfortable with, who explains things to you in plain English and doesn’t bombard you with legalese or tax-speak.
Have a structured consultation, either over the phone or in person, to help you see clearly where you’re at now, what’s important to you, and what you want to achieve.
If it’s hard to make a decision, it’s all about getting advice and information.
Browse the free legacy advice and information that’s laid out for you on this website. Knowledge is power.
Take advice from a trusted professional about what’s desirable, possible and affordable. This will help you narrow things down to a couple of options, which will help you think clearly about what suits you best.
Eat an elephant beetle first thing!
The hardest thing to do is to take that first step. One of the wisest proverbs about overcoming procrastination is “eat an elephant beetle first thing”, which means conquering your least desirable task first thing in the morning so you don’t have to carry the load in your mind with you all day.
So, make an appointment with yourself for 9am on the next available day, to call or email the trusted professional of your choice, and ask for the support and advice you need.
Our initial consultations are complimentary and take place in private at a time to suit you. So if this is the year you seize the day and take that first step towards controlling your destiny and securing your family’s future, go ahead and eat that elephant beetle – give us a call on 0151 601 5399 or fill in the contact form below, and access the support and guidance you need.
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The Essential Guide to Estate Planning for Private Landlords
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Blended Families and Inheritance: Balancing Your Spouse’s Security and Your Children’s Legacy
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Protecting Your Children’s Inheritance from Care Costs
Life is full of uncertainties, and as responsible parents and grandparents, it's only natural to worry about what the future holds for your loved ones.
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A Guest Blog from Canada
Brian from Canada tells his story of the difficulties he had with his late father's estate due to poor estate planning. It shows that the risks - and the ways to prevent them - are remarkably similar on both sides of the Atlantic.
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Vlog: Powers of Attorney Explained
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Vlog: How to Divorce-Proof your Children’s Inheritance
A simple video tutorial addressing a concern held by many parents of adult children.
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Take me to Court (as your barrister of course!)
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Why Trusts are your Best Friend
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Shielding your Buy to Let Portfolio from Inheritance Tax
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Estate Planning Video Tutorial for Buy to Let Investors
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Video Blog - How to Protect your House from Care Fees
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Video Blog: How to Pay for a Funeral Without Going Into Debt
It's a terrible time when you've just been bereaved, and the last thing you need is practical worries about paying for the funeral.
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A Scary Story! Video Blog
My video explaining how a simple keystroke error almost cost someone their £100k+ inheritance … and what easy action you can take to safeguard yourself against such a thing happening to you.
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Older Childless People “Dangerously Unsupported”
More than a million childless people aged 65 or above are living with dangerously inadequate levels of support, suffering isolation and lack of access to formal care - and that number is expected to double by 2030.
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Taking the Long View
You need to make an estate plan to truly future-proof your family. Here's why, and how to go about it.
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Brexit Turmoil Delivers Reprieve for Bereaved Families
At last, a tiny bright spot amongst the relentless Brexit related misery.
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£110,000 for seven years of care
A court has awarded £110,000 to a granddaughter who provided devoted live-in care for her grandmother for seven years.
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What to Do When a Loved One Passes Away
When you lose someone, the last thing you want is to think about the practicalities, but there are some essential steps you must take to safeguard the estate and ensure that it is passed down as smoothly as possible.
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Estate Planning Essentials for Same-Sex Couples
How to avoid the four most common estate planning pitfalls that can affect same-sex couples.
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D’Oh! Five Ways to Seriously Mess Up Your Estate Plan
If financial security and peace of mind for your nearest and dearest is your priority, it’s essential that you maintain a valid and up to date estate plan.
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Talking About Estate Planning with your Parents
Have your Mum & Dad made their estate plan yet? Should you be concerned?
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What About Your Digital legacy?
How to plan for what will happen to all your online accounts after you’ve gone.
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Don’t let your business get clobbered!
It’s your responsibility to safeguard your business. Here’s how to do it in three easy steps.
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Cost of Care Rises by 10% in Just One Year
The cost of a place in a care home is rising at its fastest rate ever, while pension incomes have little hope of keeping pace.
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Hats off to the “Parentsioners”!
Look around, and you’ll notice you're surrounded by people who quietly go about their daily business of achieving seemingly impossible feats of hard work and organisation. You might be looking at just such a person in the mirror.
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Contested Will Saga Ends in Prison Sentence
A retired window cleaner, who was left £280,000 in the will of a customer, was jailed for failing to hand back the money when ordered.
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Will Inheritance Tax be Simplified?
The Office for Tax Simplification is reviewing the complex Inheritance Tax system. Does this mean there will there be less tax to pay?
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Daughters try to block father’s marriage
Court of Protection forced to decide whether daughters can lawfully block their father’s marriage to his partner of 20 years.
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Three Brothers in Court Battle Over their Mother’s Legacy
The three Heath brothers have already incurred £50,000 in court costs because they didn't have the awkward family conversation about inheritance.
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We Need to Talk About Inheritance
With inherited wealth set to double in the next 20 years, it’s time to get over the awkwardness and have the conversation now.
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Inheritance Tax Bonanza for HMRC
A 23% spike in Inheritance Tax receipts is being blamed on frozen allowances, rising house prices and more aggressive tax collection.
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Dementia Tax – Some Good News?
Cautious optimism as Health Secretary vows to bring forward plans to make paying for care fairer.
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The Tragic Case of “Mr Y”
52-year-old "Mr Y" is being kept alive in a coma while the Official Solicitor defends legal principles.
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Can the Government be Trusted on the Dementia Tax?
Little has been said about the cost of care since the 2017 Dementia Tax controversy. But the few hints dropped by the government have both insulted and threatened parents of adult children.
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Power of Attorney Refunds Available
If you paid £110 to register your Lasting Power of Attorney between 1st April 2013 and 31st March 2017, you are entitled to a refund of up to £54.
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Case Study: Jim and Jean’s Story
Jim and Jean have two grown-up children with complex disabilities. Here’s how their estate plan met their needs.
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The £50million Final Salary Pension Transfer Boom
Here’s why so many savers are moving away from their final salary pension schemes? And why your pension capital should be a key consideration in your estate plan.
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Just how risky are Lasting Powers of Attorney?
An invaluable tool? Or a passport to financial abuse?
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Case Study: Guy and Steve Safeguard their Business
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Sheila Kitzinger’s Good Death
Sheila Kitzinger, a passionate advocate for the rights of expectant mothers, pioneered the use of birth plans. And she brought the same control and empowerment to planning her own final days.
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We’re Not Getting Any Older
Life expectancy at age 64 has all but ground to halt, due to the austerity years and a surge in dementia. What can you do for yourself while we wait for a cure?
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Lynda Bellingham’s Sons Betrayed, as Feared
The late Lynda Bellingham’s lack of a proper estate plan risked leaving her sons with nothing – now her widower has done exactly what she least wanted him to do.
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Probate: What’s it all about?
If you are dealing for the first time with the estate of someone who has died, you must quickly get to grips with some probably unfamiliar concepts. This is a short introduction to the issues you may have to deal with.
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Redefining old age?
Seismic demographic changes mean we must re-think what it means to be “old”, says one of the UK’s leading social scientists.
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Case Study: Ray & Joyce
How this retired couple made sure most of their main asset would be inherited by their children – and not the council.
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Business Property Relief
If you are a business owner, it’s likely that your business is one of your main assets. You may want to pass your business to the next generation as a going concern, or you may want your dependants to benefit from the value of the business after you’ve gone.
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Seven Inheritance Tax Tips for Buy to Let Investors
If you’ve invested in buy-to-let, you’ve probably done so with the intention of creating a steady income for yourself, together with capital to hand on to the next generation when you’re gone. But unfortunately, wealth tied up in residential lettings often comes with a significant Inheritance Tax burden.
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The Residence Nil Rate Band
A guide to making the most of the new Inheritance Tax allowance.
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Case Study: Tony and Diane’s Story
How Tony and Diane secured an Inheritance-Tax-free legacy for their daughter and planned a secure retirement for themselves.
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What’s all this fuss about The Dementia Tax?
It’s odd that there has been so much vociferous debate about “the dementia tax”, as if this is an outrageous new concept proposed by a rapacious government. The truth is that people with dementia have been robbed of their legacy for decades to pay for their care.
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Separating Elderly Couples in Care is Inhumane
It's scary that Social Care leaders actually had to be told at a recent conference that separating elderly couples in care is inhumane.
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Inheritance Tax Planning with Enterprise Investment Schemes
Not keen on the government gate-crashing your funeral to demand yet more tax? An Enterprise Investment Scheme may be a useful addition to your estate planning toolkit.
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Sons’ Inheritance Blown on Legal Fees
Two brothers have wasted their entire inheritance on a doomed court battle to contest their late father’s will.
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Helping your Parents to Cope
The Guardian newspaper recently published a helpful group discussion, in which readers shared their own experiences of what has worked for them in offering a helping hand when a parent is finding it all too much.
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The Supreme Court’s Decision in Heather Ilott’s case.
The 2015 Court of Appeal Decision in Heather Ilott’s case has been overturned. The Court of Appeal’s 2015 award of £163,000 has been reduced to £50,000.
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Charitable Legacies - a Win-Win
Leaving a charitable legacy in your Will makes you feel good AND gets you an Inheritance Tax discount – what’s not to love?
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Our friend died without saying she’d left us £110k
The rate at which estates go unclaimed has risen two and a half times in the last five years, according to government figures recently released.
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Who gets the kids if something happens to us?
It’s a horrible thought, isn’t it? Nobody wants to imagine their beloved child being orphaned, but thinking about the unthinkable, and making proper plans, is a vital parental responsibility.
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Is Your Child’s Inheritance Divorce-Proof?
Doreen Crowther may lose her house because her inheritance wasn't divorce-proofed.
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Planning for the Cost of Care
Will poor health in later life put your home at risk?
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Status Quo Rocker Rick Parfitt Disinherited his Wife
The late Status Quo star Rick Parfitt disinherited his wife in the final days before he died, it has emerged. But all is not as it seems.
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My Health Scare - and why I’m so glad I made an Estate Plan
My New Year was overshadowed by a major health scare – but my estate plan assured me that, whatever might happen, my clients and loved ones are protected
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Your New Year’s Resolution?
If you haven't made your will yet, you risk leaving a mess behind for the people you love.
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George Michael’s Estate Plan
Much missed pop legend provides for his sisters, god-children and favourite charities in his Will
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Our 2017 Continuing Professional Development Programme
Our 2017 Estate Planning Training Programme for Accountants and Financial Services Professionals
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How a £2000 Inheritance Transformed 40,000 lives
Vashti Seth started a charity with a legacy from her dad
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The £72million House Heist
Councils’ £72million raid on older people’s houses to pay for care
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Royle Family’s Caroline Aherne Accidentally Left Her Mum with a £71,000 Inheritance Tax Bill
Inheritance Tax stress for Caroline Aherne's bereaved Mum
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“Get a Job!”: Disinherited Daughter’s Court Battle Ends in Humiliation
Danielle Ames loses her fight with her stepmother for a share in her late father’s fortune
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Danae Brook’s Story: A Blended Family Blighted by Intestacy
How Danae’s husband’s intestacy left this blended family in chaos.
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The Truth about Deliberate Deprivation of Capital
Thinking about making a significant gift to your children? Worried that the council might snatch back the gift if you later go into a care home? Here’s what you need to know.
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Disinherited Daughter v Stepmother
Disinherited Danielle Ames in Court Battle with her Stepmother over her "Idolised" Late Father's Fortune
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Is the Traditional Marriage an Endangered Species?
In a major cultural shift, married couples are now in the minority as most couples choose to cohabit. Is this the beginning of the end for traditional marriage?
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Video Blog - Inheritance Tax and You
Will my estate be affected by Inheritance Tax?
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The Hurt and Rejection of Daisy Goodwin
It's every parent's responsibility to talk to their children about the legacy they might leave
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Trusts to Manage Inheritance Tax – One Rule for The Duke of Westminster and One for the Rest of Us?
The toxic urban myth that Inheritance Tax is for "the little people".
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Toby Wales’s Story
The power of wills to transform lives for the better.
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Heartache and Chaos from a Lost Will
Alison Shields tells of the distressing consequences of her father's lost will.
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Father’s fear of making a will left his young daughter penniless
How Katy Young was accidentally disinherited by her father's fear of making a will.
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Property tycoon sued beyond the grave.
Ex-civil partner of deceased millionairess in court bid for larger settlement
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Stepfamilies & Blended Families Estate and Legacy Planning
A video guide for people who have stepfamilies or blended families
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Frugal Bachelor Leaves Surprise Legacy of £1.5million to his Local Hospital
Heartwarming Generosity of Peter Gibbons
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Case Study - How Dervla’s Inheritance Tax Planning Saved £120k
In today’s climate, “fail to plan” means “plan to pay lots of Inheritance Tax”
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Video Blog - Estate Planning Tips for Business Owners
A Video Guide to Keeping your Business Resilient
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Angela Rippon – a Happy Singleton Putting her Affairs in Order
In advance of the BBC documentary "The Truth About Dementia", Angela Rippon shares her concerns.
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“Do Not Resuscitate” – Could this Happen to You Without your Consent?
The NHS knows that it's happening - and why it's happening - but won't be doing anything about it anytime soon. Here's how to protect yourself and your family.
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The 8 Vital Questions You Should Answer Before You Make a Will or Estate Plan
How to choose an estate plan that's fit for purpose and within your budget
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Estate Planning Tips for Happy Singletons
This is an estate planning guide for single people - what you, as a happy singleton, can do to plan a secure future and a meaningful legacy.
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Oxo Mum’s Family Torn Asunder by a Badly Made Will
How poor estate planning has left the late Loose Women star’s sons powerless – and possibly penniless.
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Case Study - Bill and Anne, Buy to Let Investors
How we helped a couple ensure a secure future for theselves, their family and their buy to let portfolio
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Estate Planning Considerations for Buy to Let Investors
This is the first in a two-part series that looks at the estate planning concerns of buy to let investors - and some of the many available solutions.
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Come Live with Me and Be my Love ....
Five practical tips for living together securely
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Colin and Eleanor’s Story - Peace of Mind for Four Generations
This is the story of Colin and Eleanor, great-grandparents who wanted the peace of mind of knowing their assets were protected for the four generations of their family, and that their own personal wishes were respected no matter what
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Soaring Probate Fees - a Stealth Tax
The Ministry of Justice has announced a fee scale that increases the cost of probate by up to 130 times the present fee. Here are some ways of managing the cost of leaving a legacy for your family, so their inheritance is maximised.
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"Thank you for all you help in putting together my Will and Powers of Attorney. You made it so much easier as it is a daunting task."
Beryl P