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Don't be scared of trusts!

Why Trusts are your Best Friend

A short video blog explaining why trusts are a user-friendly and economical part of your overall estate plan

Lots of people are intimidated by trusts – they do sound a bit complicated and expensive, don't they?  

But actually, trusts are not scary at all. They can be as short & simple, or as detailed and protective, as you need them to be. When you’re creating your estate plan, they’re your handiest tool and your best friend.

In this video, I explain that a trust is, at heart, just a job description.  I also tell you about the diverse outcomes you can achieve by using a trust, from the simplest to the most detailed.

View the Video by clicking here.

As ever, when you’re thinking about your estate plan, it’s a matter of choosing the right tool for the job in hand. That’s where we can help you, with guidance about the best way to address your individual concerns.

So, for a sympathetic chat about your situation, just call us on 0151 601 5399 or get in touch via the contact form below.

"Can I just say on behalf of Paula, Peter, myself & our children, a huge thank you for everything. You have always listened, and been a friend as well. Thanks Gina, for your professionalism, compassion and support, we really appreciate everything you have done for us."

Angela Kearns & Family

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